There’s no need to create several tasks for each Resource and assign them one by one - instead use Ganttic’s Shared Task feature. This makes your planning faster, helps to avoid double bookings, and possible miscommunication. Learn how to schedule Shared Tasks to multiple Resources in one go.
Must know
- All Owners, Admins and Users with Resource Task edit rights can add Shared Tasks.
- If you share a Task between multiple Resources, the Tasks will be connected - so if one Task is edited, the other one will change as well.
- New and existing Tasks in Ganttic can be shared between multiple Resources using the same workflow.
Assign a Task to Multiple Resources
- Click on an existing Task or create a New Task.
- This will open the Task Edit Dialog. Next to each Resource name, you’ll see plus signs, +. Click the + next to the Resources you want to share the Task with.
- Click Save upon completion. You have just shared a Task with selected Resources.
The newly assigned Tasks show up in other Resources' timelines. Click on them to edit as needed.
Tip! Task Busy Time and Utilization % is not split between Shared Tasks automatically. You can make the Tasks half shorter, equally split the Busy Time or Utilization % manually, or consider using the Split feature instead of sharing the Task.
Viewing and Deleting Resources from Shared Tasks
Open the Task Resources section in your Task Edit Dialog to see all the Resources assigned to your shared Task.
You can unassign the Task from a Resource by clicking the X. This will delete the Task from selected Resource's timeline. At least one Resource will be connected to the Task at all times.
You are also able to remove a Resource from a Shared Task by clicking on the red X sign after the Resource's name.
Next steps
Keep all your Tasks’ Resources up to date on changes and issues with Task Notes. Or learn more about splitting Tasks which helps adjust the workload. And see more useful ways to see this feature with tips about Shared Tasks.