If your credit card has expired or changed, or if you get an email from us warning of a payment failure, then it’s probably time to update your Billing and/or Credit Card info in your account. Here’s how to make the fix!
NB! Only Owners can access the Account section to update the Billing info.
Updating Billing Info
- In the top right corner of Ganttic, click your profile icon/email address to open the drop-down menu.
- Click Your Account. This will open the Account section.
- In the left Sidebar, click Billing Info.
- Fill out the details in the form.
- Hit Save.
Updating Credit Card
- In the Account section of your Ganttic planner, click Payment Method.
- On this screen, basic info about your card will be displayed (last 4 digits, name, card type). If you want to change it to another one, then click Change Card.
NB! Once this has been clicked, you will effectively remove this credit card from your account. In order for you to keep your account open, a new card will need to be entered. This info will be relayed via an in-app warning, to move on to the next step click Continue. - Enter in the new card info and click Submit. We will authorize the card by charging and immediately refunding $1.
NB! The card issuer may require extra authentication. If this is the case then a pop-up will be opened. Proceed as per instructions. - Enjoy your resource planner. If you get an email warning about payment failure, then contact our support team.
Next Steps
Keep track of all your payments by downloading and viewing all your Receipts.