Data Fields give users a fully customizable experience in Ganttic. Use them to add important information, organize resources and activities, and run detailed reports. Dive into the different types of Data Fields available in Ganttic and how to create tailored project and resource plans.
Custom Data Fields for Custom Planning
Ganttic was built to accommodate a wide variety of industries and every planning style. That’s the reason why all of our Data Fields are completely customizable - without any pre-sets, defaults, or required fields. Though of course planner Owners and Admins can create their own default values or required fields if need be.
And while it’s not necessary to use any Data Fields at all, for a richer planning experience we recommend using this functionality. Especially since there’s no limit to the amount of Data Fields you can have. So feel free to customize away.
Types of Data Fields in Ganttic
In your planner, there are 9 different types of Data Fields. All of these types can be created for Projects, Resources, and Tasks.
This type allows users to create a field with a dropdown list of values. Only one value may be selected from this list. Some of the most common examples used are resource roles, project locations, or task requirements.
Resource List-type Data Fields can be used for Grouping in different Views. While Project and Task ones can be used for taskbar coloring.
If you want to use Ganttic’s Kanban View, then Project List-type Data Fields are necessary.
Our newest Data Field type. Create a list where multiple values can be assigned. For example different skills, certifications, or qualifications.
A binary box that can be checked or unchecked. Use it to indicate different values, statuses, or types. For example yes/no, active/inactive, billable/non-billable, external/internal.
When this type is created, Yes and No values are there by default. These can be edited as needed.
This type of Data Field can be used for taskbar coloring in Views. As well as Task Grouping in Single Project Views.
A text box of different sizes. Insert any text, numbers or special characters. Choose from four sizes: Single row, Multi-row small, Multi-row medium, and Multi-row large.
When Filtering with this Data Field, be sure to use commas in between text and keep in mind the uppercase and lowercase sensitivity while searching the right labels.
This type supports only numerical data and can be used in report calculations. Some examples may include hourly rates, counts, or amounts.
NB! For reporting, it’s important to keep in mind the planning element you want to report on: Resource, Task or Project. Attach the necessary numerical value and look up the calculations options from the Reports section already.
Auto Increment
Starts automatic numbering of the planning element. When a new element is added, the data field value will automatically increase by one. This is calculated by the planner and cannot be changed manually.
NB! If using this data field and you have shared tasks, both tasks will have the identical ID number.
Choose a significant date from a calendar, for example contract start and end dates.
Use this Project Data Field to visualize milestones on your Gantt chart.
Link a User’s email to that planning element. For example a team’s leader, or the operator of a bulldozer. The User-type Data Field will automatically create a dropdown of all your invited administrators and users at your account, that you can choose from.
Insert a URL which can be accessed from the planner. Include a link to a Google doc, map coordinates, or an online file system.
A Link-type Task Data Field can be used for syncing GCal locations.
Data Fields in Use
There’s a number of ways that Data Fields are used throughout the planner. From organization, to filtering, to running specific reports. Here’s some of the top ways:
In a Custom View, use List and Multi-Select types for Resource Grouping.
Color taskbars with Project, Resource, or Task Data Fields.
Use filtering for Tasks, Projects, and Resources Data Fields and match the best resource for specific jobs.
Resource Multi-select can be very useful for skills management. Watch a video on how to use it here:
Data Fields can be used in reports. Get information about different teams, departments, and branches and see how they are stacking up against each other. Or run financial reports and see how profitable certain projects are.