Projects´ Kanban Board is an alternative way to see your planner’s Project pool. Kanban columns are generated from your List type Project Data Fields' values - offering a different perspective on the Projects in the pipeline and allowing easy re-categorization by dragging and dropping projects from one custom column category to the other. Learn more about using Ganttic’s Kanban feature.
Must Know
- This section organizes your Projects into a Kanban-style board.
- Only List type Project Data Field values will be used for the column headers. These must be set up before you’ll be able to see any Kanban board labels and columns.
- All Owners, Admins and Users with Read, Edit or Add/edit Projects permissions can access and work with the Project Kanban Board.
- Toggle between Kanban and the Project List at any time. The last used option remains applied for the User after the next login or reload.
- Project Notes can be read and edited from the Kanban board.
Opening the Kanban Board
Open the Kanban Board by clicking on the Project icon. You can find it on the left Sidebar.
Flip the Toggle at the top from List to Kanban.
You’ll see your project pool organized as a Kanban Board.
NB! When switching between the two, the last used option remains applied for the User after the next login or reload. Toggle between Kanban and List at any time.
Kanban Board Columns
Each Column of the board is based on List-type Project Data Fields. Column Headers are values from the same List-type Project Data Field. Select the desired Data Field label to choose the Columns.
The List type Project Data Fields and their values can be created and edited at any time! Click the Data Field button from the toolbar to add more. Click a Project name to edit manually. Or drag and drop the Project to a new column which will automatically update the attached Data Field value.
Popular List type Data Fields include:
- Status - in progress, on hold, complete, etc.
- Department - main HQ, graphics team, outsourced
- Location
- Project Managers
- Client name
All Projects without a Data Field value will be in the "No value" section on the left. This section can be hidden or the Projects in this section can be dragged and dropped into a column with desired Data Field List value.
Hiding Kanban Board Columns
Click the Header of a Column you’d like to hide. This will collapse the Column and hide all listed Projects.
NB! Applied settings will be preserved for the User after next login or reload.
Moving Projects to Different Columns
Any Project can be rearranged to the different columns. Simply click-drag-release a Project from one column to another.
Once moved, the Project will take on the Data Field Value of the new column. No need to update it manually via Project Edit Dialog!
NB! You can still update Project Data Fields via Project Edit Dialog.
Next Steps
Kanban boards are super popular in project management, but often aren’t enough for proper resource planning. Get the best of both worlds by learning how to utilize Kanban and Gantt charts for better project resource management.