Ganttic’s Calendar View offers an additional way to see your planner's data. Laid out like a resource calendar you’ll get a rundown of work activities for the next month. Use this alongside the Calendar’s Agenda View, which can be used as a personalized and up-to-date Task list. See how!
Must know
- Owners, Admins, and all Users have access to Calendar View. For Users, the information displayed is dependent on their Resource rights.
- The Calendar View is unique to each User, meaning any settings that are applied will not affect other Users.
- All Tasks in this View are color coded by Resource colors.
- In the Agenda, you’ll get a rundown of Tasks and Projects for the next 30 days.
- Unlike your other Views, there’s no way to save a custom date or a default time period.
Navigating in Calendar View
- All Users have access to the Calendar View. You’ll find the icon in the left Sidebar.
- Change the month using the arrows in the toolbar. You can also scroll up or down in the Calendar.
- By clicking the Today button you’ll get instantly back to the current day.
- In the upper right corner you can move between a Month or Week View, depending on which timeframe you want to focus in the Calendar.
Using Calendar View
What information appears in the Calendar View all depends on the Data and Resources you select from the Calendar's Data Visibility section.
- Open the Calendar’s Settings by clicking the hamburger menu at the top.
- In the Data Visibility Section, select what info will be displayed on the Calendar’s Taskbars. Choose from Task name, start and end dates, Task Data Fields, and Project names. Tick the boxes of the data you want shown. You can select as many as you like.
- Below Data Visibility, is the Resources Section. Here you are able to search for specific Resources. Or select a Resource by ticking the box next to the Resource's name. You may select as many as you like.
Tip! The color around each box corresponds to the Resource color, a handy visual reminder as to whom each Task belongs to. - If you want all Resources displayed, tick the box next to the search field.
- To get more about the Tasks, click a Taskbar. This will open a vertical Task Edit Dialog. Here the Task timing and Utilization, Data Fields, Project info, name, and color can be edited.
In the Task toolbar, it’s possible to delete the Task, see all its assigned Resources, add a Used Time entry, add and read Task Notes, or view the Task History Log. Hit Save when complete.
NB! Users need Resource Task add/edit rights to make changes.
Changing the Taskbar Colors in the Calendar View
The Taskbars in Calendar View correspond to each Resource's color. If you want to edit the Resource’s color do so by opening a Resource Edit Dialog. Do this by clicking on a Resource name while in the Resource List or while in a Custom or Single Project View. The box next to the Resource’s Name is where you can choose a new color.
You’ll see that the Taskbar takes on the corresponding color as the Resource.
Agenda View
If you switch from the Calendar to the Agenda View, you’ll get a rundown of Resources’ Tasks and Projects for the next 30 days.
As in the Calendar View, choose which Task Data and Resources you want displayed from the Calendar Settings.
The smaller colored dots represent Task colors. If you wish to change the colors or any Task details, click on the Task - the vertical Task Edit Dialog will open.
If you scroll to the bottom of the agenda and wish to see more, click on the Look for more.
Next steps
Read some more tips and benefits of Ganttic’s Calendar View from our blog