By synchronizing your Ganttic resource planner with your Google Calendar, it’s easy to stay updated, even on the go. Use this feature to manage your team without making them sign in to Ganttic. Or get a clear picture of all upcoming scheduled work and personal commitments. See how to enable an automated sync between Google Calendar and Ganttic.
Must Know
- All Owners and Admins can activate the sync for all Resources. Users can activate the sync for Resources they have View or Add/Edit rights for.
- The sync is Resource specific - all Tasks on selected Resources' timelines can be synced to a selected Google Calendar and vice versa.
- It’s possible to only sync data to Google calendars you have access to.
- The sync can be one-way or two-way. You can choose the direction of the sync as well as the data you want to bring over for each direction.
With all sync directions, imported past data is limited to 1 month. This limitation is not applied to future items.
Start syncing to Google Calendars
- Click on the title of the Resource you want to start the sync for. This will open the Resource Edit Dialog.
- Click on the Calendar synchronization icon and select Google Calendar from the toolbar.
Select the Synchronization direction and the data. You can choose between a one-way or two-way sync. It is possible to edit sync direction and data options later from the same section.
NB! Ganttic’s Task and Project names will both show up as Event titles in Google Calendar.- Google Calendar ↔ Ganttic - A two-way sync where all new Tasks will automatically appear in Ganttic when created in Google Calendar, and vice versa.
- Google Calendar → Ganttic - One-way sync where all new Tasks made in GCal will appear in Ganttic
- Ganttic → Google Calendar - A new Task will appear automatically in Google Calendar when one is created in Ganttic with this one-way sync.
- Once you choose your sync direction, then you can also choose which data will be imported as well. For "Event location" and "Event description" you can only use text-type Task Data Fields.
Click on Save sync settings and then Start sync. This will open Google's permissions page.
NB! You must have administrator's rights to access these options. Google will ask you to
grant Ganttic rights to access your calendar. Make sure you are logged in to your
Google account. - Click on Allow. This will open the list of Google Calendars you have access to.
- Select a calendar from the list and click Start synchronization. Only one can be selected at a time. After this you will be directed back to Ganttic.
- You can spot your synced Resources from the View’s Gantt chart. A green triangle will be visible to the left of the Resource’s name.
Stop Syncing to Google Calendars
- Click on the Resource name you want to stop the sync for. This will open the Resource Edit Dialog.
Click on the Calendar synchronization icon from the toolbar.
Click Stop sync and OK to confirm.
NB! Items already imported via the sync feature will remain there in both platforms as only new items added won't be synced.
Next Steps
Using Microsoft Azure AD? Sync to Outlook Calendars instead.