In this section you can import country-specific public holidays to Resource's timelines. As well as define business days and hours along with the visible days and hours displayed on the Gantt chart.
Must Know
- Only Owners and Admins are able to import and remove country-specific public holidays.
- Public holidays here are the bank holidays of a selected country.
- Imported public holidays are visible across the whole planner in all Resources' timelines.
- It is possible to import resource-specific bank holidays instead (for international teams).
- Business days and hours affect Resources' utilization and availability.
Import Public Holidays
Start from Settings > Working Time. Find Ganttic's General Settings at the bottom of the left Sidebar with this icon.
- Select a country from the dropdown list
- Click on Add holidays
- Click OK to confirm and reload/refresh the app
- It is possible to remove them if needed from the same section. in that case, click Remove holidays in place of Add holidays.
Set Business Days/Hours & Visible Days/Hours in Chart
Next up you can get specific about when your organization is running and when the work can occur. As well as which non-business hours and days are visible in your in-app calendar. Configure all that with Business days/hours and Visible Days/hours.
Business Days - The days that Resources are able/available to work or can potentially take on Tasks. Included in Task Busy Time and Resource Utilization % calculations. Adjustable for each Resource separately.
Visible Days in Chart - Configure which days are shown and which are hidden in the Gantt chart calendar. Can be different from Business Days (f.e. Saturday and Sunday). Cannot be adjusted for individual Resources separately.
Business Hours - The hours that Resources are able/available to work or can potentially take on Tasks. Included in Task Busy Time and Resource Utilization % calculations. Adjustable for each Resource separately.
Visible Hours in Chart - Configure which hours are shown and which are hidden in the Gantt chart calendar. Can be different from Business Hours. Cannot be adjusted for individual Resources separately.
NB! If you schedule part-time resources or resources from different time zones, then skip this option and apply resource-specific working time.
- Toggle the switches for Business Days.
- Toggle the switches for Visible Days.
- Enter times in the fields for Business Hours. This is a good place to add in breaks or shift periods.
- Use the dropdown for Visible Hours
- Click Save Working Time Settings
Next Steps
Tweak these account-level settings for individual Resources. It's possible to import country-specific public holidays and further define each Resource's work time settings. For those interested in tracking Resource utilization and more complex capacity planning, configuring your Resources' Work Time is the first step.