In Ganttic’s Settings, Admins and Owners are able to configure various settings that are applied across the account and to all users.
You can access Settings by clicking on this icon located near the bottom of the left Sidebar.
Ganttic’s General Settings
Here’s a brief rundown of all the settings up for customization:
Date and Time - Customize the Date Format, Time Format, the First Day of the Week, and Time zone.
Chart - adjust the resource chart row height and enable or disable the task autosave feature.
Working Time - import country-specific bank/public holidays to the chart, set business days/hours and visible days/hours in the chart.
Coloring - set the color of Non-Working Days, as well as Time Off and Bank Holidays.
Task Timing - set the default task time interval and select the default manual and calculated Task Timing parameters.
Task Dependency - Configure if task dependencies are shown and the default color of the line.
Taskbar Info - Customize the information shown on the Gantt chart’s Taskbar and choose a separator.
Resource Utilization Graph - enable or disable Utilization Graphs and select colors for each Utilization Graph interval.
API Token - get the API token to build custom connections to Ganttic
Account - change Account name, create your organization's unique Ganttic subdomain and create additional Ganttic accounts
Single Sign-On (SSO) - set up one of 3 SSO options: OneLogin, MS Azure, and Google.