General Report rights are a way to control exactly which User can access or edit public and shared Reports, as well as create private Reports. Acting as a secure way to protect your public and shared Reports from any unwanted changes and access! See how!
Must Know
- Only Owners and Administrators have the ability to modify Users' Report permissions and rights.
- General Report editing and access permissions may only be specified for Users.
- Owners and Admins can automatically access and edit all Public Reports.
- Only Owners and Admins can create public and shared Reports.
- Users can only create private Reports, if they have enough rights.
- Report editing permissions of a specific Report overrides the general Report permissions explained in this article.
- General Report rights are granted for each individual User. It’s possible to also create and grant Report and other item rights to User Groups.
Before You Start: User Types
Report rights may only be specified for Users. If you see that Report rights are grayed out and inaccessible for you to specify, it’s due to their User type. Please go through the Helpdesk article Users and Permissions Intro to get to know the level of access of different types of Users.
Specifying Report Rights for Users
- Click on Users from the left sidebar. This will open the User List.
- Click on the User's name whose rights you’d like to specify. This will open their User profile.
- Select Report Rights from the menu on the left.
- Specify the User’s general Report permissions regarding access:
- Public and shared reports. The User is able to access all public Reports as well as the ones shared with him/her.
- Only shared Reports. The User is only able to access Reports that are shared with him/her.
- Specify the User’s general Report permissions regarding private Reports:
- Create and edit private reports. The User is able to create private Reports as well as edit them. Private Reports created by other Users are not accessible.
- Change report settings. The User is able to change the settings for all public and shared Reports.
- Click Save Report rights to apply the permissions.
Next Steps
Continue specifying a User's rights regarding Resources, Views, Data Fields, and Projects. Or, create User Groups, specify its permissions and assign Users to the Group.